Have you…

By: Dennissa

Aug 10 2010

Category: Uncategorized


Ever moved? If so where?

7 comments on “Have you…”

  1. hmmmm, Albuquerque to Phoenix; Phoenix back to Albuquerque; Albuquerque to San Angelo TX; back to Albuquerque; Albuquerque to Dallas; Dallas almost to Chicago; back to Albuquerque… Geez, this place is like a magnet! Ha!

    • It’s a magnet because if you wouldn’t have moved, we wouldn’t have met! I am so glad you came back. I never knew you moved so much.

  2. Very good point my love!!! Speaking of which… when will you be visiting the 505????

  3. I’ve moved from the USA to Bogotá, then USA to England!

  4. Yes! Sorry it took me so long to respond 🙂 I am doing a master’s program over here!

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